how to write how to guides

Guide On How To Write Short How To Guides To Increase Your Income

in How To Write How To Guides on

how to write short how to guide

How To Write Short How To Guides In 2 Hours

How would you like to turn a 4,000-word report into a potential $4,000 payday?

It’s happening all the time with specialized short how to guides that people will bend over backwards to pay good money for.

Find it hard to believe?

Think about this for a minute.

People are busy. They’re on-the-go, and so they don’t have a lot of time to spend reading extended guides or books.

These days’, people want bite-sized, comprehensive booklets that give them the information they’re looking for without the fluff.

Think about the kind of articles, blog posts or guides you personally prefer. Wouldn’t you rather have a condensed version of a 100-page book that rips out the padding and cuts through the noise so it can provide you with all the important information in less time?

That’s exactly why short how to guides are so extremely profitable.

The length of your book has nothing to do with whether your product is successful or well received by your audience.

In fact, a 15 report that cuts out the fat and gets right to the heart of the matter will be far more successful than a 60-page eBook that brings the reader on an endless journey, only to leave them disappointed in the end.

Are you ready to start making money with your very own series of in-demand short how to guides?

Let’s begin!


How To Make Money With Short How To Guides

How To Make Money With Short How To Guides

Short how to guides are incredibly valuable because not only will they appeal to the busy shopper, but they are much easier to create than full-length books.

In fact, how to guides can be as short as 10 pages long because if you’ve done your job at filling the pages with solid information, your audience will still be satisfied with their purchase.

And think about this: With short how to guides, you can cover more ground in less time.

You know how quickly some niches and buying patterns change. What’s hot today is often irrelevant tomorrow, and in the digital product business you need to keep a close pulse on your market so that you know what your audience is interested in and willing to buy.

Also, when it comes to digital products, the early bird always gets the worm.

What I mean by that is you need to stay on top of trends.

For example, if a certain money-making opportunity suddenly becomes a hot topic, you’ll make a lot more money if you’re one of the first to create a short report that outlines how someone can jump on board. First to market always wins.

If you were to create a massive digital product that takes months to develop, you run the risk that by the time you bring it to the market, the topic isn’t nearly as popular as it had been.

Short how to guides remove that risk.

You don’t have to worry about your product launch taking months, or even weeks, giving you the advantage of being able to launch quality, in-demand products on current hot topics, before demand dies down or the market becomes saturated.

Plus, since you won’t spend a lot of time creating each guide, even if they fail to meet your expectations, you can quickly replace it with a new guide that’s been tweaked to sell.

They’re also a lot more affordable to outsource since you could hire an expert writer for half of the price of someone hired to write a full-length book.

Short how to guides are also one of the easiest ways of evaluating a market, test new niches and identify demand, while there is an active buying pattern.

If you’ve ever considered creating an information product before, you know just how much time can be spent on market research.

You could literally spend months testing the viability of a market, and trying to come up with a unique angle or slant so that your product stands out.

By the time your product is “market ready”, you’ve lost a couple of months in potential earnings, not to mention your opportunity to position your product in front of a majority audience may be gone since they may have purchased other books and are no longer interested in the topic.

With short how to guides, since you’re not spending a lot of time creating the products, you can make money faster, while working on expanding your collection of in-demand products.

In fact, you could create a guide that continues to sell for years in just a couple of hours!

Are you excited? You should be! This is an exciting opportunity to make money with info-products quickly and easily!

In the next chapter, we’ll take a closer look at how you can create a bestselling PLR guide in under two hours.

how to guides that outsell

How To Write How To Guides That Outsell The Competition

When it comes to writing short how to guides that people want to buy, your content must be both conversational and engaging.

It doesn’t matter what niche or market you’re in, if you want to create bestselling how to guides that people want to talk about to others and encourage repeat sales, you need to create content that is easy to understand and keeps their attention.

Here are a few simple rules to follow:

• Use contractions in your information product (Example: Use “that’s” instead of “that is”). This makes sure that your content doesn’t read too stiff or formal. You can still write in an authoritative voice while keeping it light and entertaining.

• Break up your paragraphs into easily digestible segments of information. Don’t create a wall of text! No one wants to wade through extremely long paragraphs. You want to keep skim readers in mind who will just blaze through your content quickly, picking out the golden nuggets that are of interest

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• Create chapter headlines and sub-headlines that are interesting and bold. It’s your job to keep your reader glued to the pages of your product, and you can do that by offering ‘visual guidance’ by defining sections, while keeping them engaged.

Remember, on average, consumers read at an 8th grade level. That means you want to dumb-down your content so that anyone can understand and follow it.

And finally, the less fluff and filler, the better. You’re not trying to achieve a certain page count. You’re trying to get the most important points across, cutting out the fat and delivering a polished, meaty guide.

When creating your content, you want to first research your market so that you can identify the top questions being asked by people interested in that niche. That way you can slant your content so that it addresses those key issues.

When you can identify what motivates your audience, you’ll be able to create best-selling information products that leave your readers thoroughly satisfied, and better yet, able to take action with your material.

You need to clearly address their concerns early on, reassuring them that your information is beneficial to them to motivate them into taking action and to remove skepticism.

How To Create In-Demand How To Guides

How To Create In-Demand How To Guides

When writing your how to guides, you need to narrow your scope so that you have a very specific focus for your guide.

That way not only are you providing a solution to a specific problem, but you’ll be able to create your product in just a couple of hours with a clear outline.

Conducting research and brainstorming will make writing your book a breeze. Don’t underestimate the value of good research and an outline.

Write down the top questions you find; they’ll make fantastic chapter titles or headlines throughout your guide.

Take notes of everything you uncover when researching your market. Pay attention to Facebook groups as they’re a goldmine for valuable information based on ongoing conversation and repeat questions.

Brainstorming is the information-collecting process that will kick-start your writing process. Even if you’re planning to outsource your content you’ll want to research enough to be able to come up with an outline to hand your writer.

Start off by thinking from your readers’ perspective. Ask yourself questions about the topic. If you were looking for a book about your topic, what questions would you want answered in this book?

For example, let’s say you’re writing a book on credit repair. What do most people want to know about credit repair? What are your questions? Write them all down, no matter how insignificant they seem.

Here’s an idea of a few things you might want to know if you were searching for credit repair information:

•How do I know what company to trust?
•How long does it take for an item to be removed from my credit guide?
•What defense do I have against identity theft that’s ruined my credit?
•Can I get a loan with bad credit?

If you know a lot about your topic, think about the questions that you had when you were first learning about it.

You’ll want to make sure there’s enough information in your guide to be valuable for people who are new to the topic, as well as people who already have a bit of knowledge about it. is a fantastic niche tool. You just enter the search term you want to learn more about and you’ll be notified whenever that keyword phrase is used on social media, websites or blogs. It’s a great way to uncover recurring questions and hot topics.

Try to get behind the psychology of your reader. Using the previous example, think about people who are looking for information on credit repair.

Most likely, they’ve had some credit problems in the past. They may be looking to buy a home or make a similar large purchase. They want their credit scores to improve so they can improve their lives.

Knowing this, you can begin to see some questions and concerns they may have about credit repair. They’ll want to find out how to fix their credit step-by-step.

Consumers appreciate step-by-step products because it’s the next best thing to hiring someone to do a task for them. Make it as easy on them as possible.

When you follow these steps, you’ll develop a long list of questions for your project.

Your questions should focus on solving your readers’ problems. Questions like “What is credit repair?” aren’t important to your reader.

They already know what credit repair is, or they wouldn’t be interested in your book. The more specific the questions are, the better.

Don’t worry about not having answers to your questions at this point. You’ll find the answers as you begin to write your special guide.

Following this question and answer method will make the writing process extremely easy by giving you a solid outline that you can fill in.

How To Uncover Hot Markets

How To Uncover Hot Markets

You’ll want your special how to guides to be focused on popular, evergreen markets.

These are niches where content rarely changes or becomes outdated. They’re also markets that are constantly in demand.

Here are a few broader markets to help you get started. You’ll want to narrow down your focus by digging into one of these umbrella niches to uncover a specific segment that you can sell to.

• Self-Improvement (weight loss, public speaking, etc.)
• Finances (budgeting, retirement, etc.)
• Relationships (marriage, dating, repairing relationships etc.)
• Health Related (acne, insomnia)
• Entrepreneurs (home based business, startups, etc.)
• Family Oriented (family budgets, time management, etc.)

Each special guide needs to target a very specific audience, or at least answer one very specific question.

Further, if you focus on evergreen markets you’ll be able to create a series of additional products to sell to the SAME customer base!

Here’s what I mean:

Let’s say you created a guide on how to repair your credit. You’ve already identified your audience and know your demographics (people with bad credit!).

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So, you could easily create a secondary guide catering to that same audience that takes things a step further.

Once they have their credit repaired they’ll likely want to apply for a credit card. You could write a short guide on the easiest credit cards to get for those who don’t have the best credit rating.

Or, perhaps a guide focusing on securing a mortgage for those who are still rebuilding their credit. The possibilities are endless.

Focus on:

What is your market most interested in?

Determine overall demand, and create your guide around the topic that is of the greatest interest to most your market. This is the easiest way to get lift off and increase your chances of success.

What information is already available to them?
You don’t want to provide rehashed information. It’s important that you find a fresh, unique angle so you can position yourself as the go-to person who has the information they need.

Yes, everything’s been done before but that doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a new perspective or present a different idea or way of accomplishing a specific task.

It’s important to stay focused when creating your guide. It’s easy to go off track but because your guide will be short, you need to choose a topic or question and block everything else out. The extra information or ideas you have could go into follow-up how to guides (again, think series).

If you do this right, you will be able to research and write your entire guide in under a few hours while being able to connect with your target audience.

How To Setup A Fast-Track Writing System

How To Setup A Fast-Track Writing System

You’ll want to create a system that will help you stay focused and on track especially if you’re relatively new to product creation. Once you have gotten used to using a system, you’ll find that it gets much easier to create high-quality how to guides in less time.

By now, you should have identified what your topic is going to be after evaluating your niche. You now know what burning questions are being asked and you’ve decided which one you’re going to answer.

Here’s an anatomy of how your special guide should be written:

Step 1: Create your Introduction

Most, if not all, special how to guides are written to solve a problem for the reader.

You’ll need to present the problem to your reader before you get to the solution to their problem. This is where your introduction comes into play because this is where you’ll get your buyer excited about what they’re about to read. It will also assure them that they’ve made the right decision by purchasing your guide because they’re about to get the answers they’ve been looking for.

Load up your word processor and begin writing possible chapter titles for your guide, starting with an introduction and ending with a Conclusion page.

You aren’t writing the actual content at this point, only creating the outline for your guide. Believe me, this will help you stay on track as you begin to write.

Step 2: Create the Framework

The next step is to create the framework, or outline for your special guide. This will help you come up with chapter titles so you can fill in segments and finish your guide quickly.

Don’t get stuck on this step! You can also insert additional chapters into your document if you come up with other ideas later. For now, just write the main chapter titles that define what each section will be about.

Readers want structure, so each segment or chapter should be focused on addressing a specific question or concern. Chapter titles help identify what each chapter will be about.

Chapter titles are also important for ‘skim readers’, which are people who might have not a lot of time to digest your entire book, and instead are interested in skimming chapter titles to locate specific information that is important to them.

Step 3: Create Chapter Summaries

This is where you will begin to see the skeleton for your special guide come to life. Each summary will include a handful of notes about the things you plan to cover in that chapter.

Your book needs a beginning, middle and end and by writing your chapter titles and summaries, you will give yourself a workable outline that will help you write faster.

Step 4: Write the Content

You’ll want to present the problem in the introduction and start to provide a solution in chapter 1.

For a credit repair guide, I’d start off with answering questions about the generalities of credit repair: how it’s done, why it’s important, what the reader can hope to gain from it. Then I’d get into specific techniques for credit repair and offer solutions and resources.

By the end of your guide, you should have addressed the major question you’ve decided on as your slant and provided your reader with multiple options.

They should walk away from your content feeling as though they have a clearer idea as to what their next step should be.

How To Sell Your Short How To Guides

How To Sell Your Short How To Guides

Once your guide is written and ready for market, it’s time to start selling it! There are a couple of easy ways to get started, including by signing up for a free account at both or

Both markets attract thousands of affiliates who will help you promote your product while also building a list of buyers. You can set any commission percentage you choose, but you’ll likely want to go with the traditional 50%.

When pricing your special guide, you’ll want to start by analyzing what price strategy is currently working well in your market.

Look through the JVZoo and Warrior+ marketplaces, paying attention to what other people have settled on as a starting price. You can always increase the price after a 7-day launch week.

You’ll want to make sure you’ve created a compelling sales page for your special guide, integrated your buy buttons and tested the checkout process to ensure buyers receive their product immediately after payment.

There are many different ways to set up product protection so that only authorized buyers are able to access your guide.

Another thing to keep in mind is presentation. Consider hiring a graphic designer to create a 3D graphic of your special how to guide. This can easily increase the perceived value of your product and capture the attention of potential buyers.

We Hope You Enjoyed This Guide On How To Write Short How To Guides To Increase Your Income!


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